Keep Warm wth Snuggly Bunnies

It's getting chilly! (I am wearing a couple layers of shirts and even two pairs of socks.) So this long sleeved t-shirt by PencilPlus with its trio of cute napping bunnies makes me feel warm. How could snuggling and napping with cute bunnies not keep you warm? Okay, so you won't be suggling with these bunnies for real. Still I think it would be great to pair this shirt with comfy, flannel pajama pants and snuggle under a nice, soft blanket or quilt with a good book or movie.

Cute DIY Vinyl Toys

Every now and then I think I would like to try my hand at creating my own custom vinyl toy from one of those diy vinyl toys kits, such as a Munny or the cat like Trikky (shown here) by Munnyworld.

If you have never heard of diy vinyl toys before basically they are blank (usually white, but sometimes other colors) vinyl toys that you can paint, add Sculpey clay to, use markers on, or use anything else that takes your fancy to decorate it with so you have your own custom vinyl toy.

You can also take existing vinyl toys and paint or otherwise modify them as well. (If I ever do end up doing a custom vinyl toy I think I will probably go to the thrift store or dollar store and pick up some used or cheap vinyl toy, such as a rubber ducky, for my first one to screw up practice on.)

Awhile back I raptly followed the progress of some artists as they painted some specially issued, gigantic (I think 18") My Little Pony blank vinyl toys for the My Little Pony Project 2012 event. Some of them turned out so cool and beautiful. I loved the one by Miss Kika especially. Now that size is not available for the average person to use their diy skills on (you have to be invited by Hasbro to be able create one of these special editions).

But you can get a smaller, regular sized blank, My Little Pony from the Hasbro website here. (Normally I'd link to where you can buy it on, but in this particular instance you'd pay a Lot more for it there than you would if you buy it directly from Hasbro.)

So anyway today I happened across a blank, diy vinyl toy that I had not seen before. It is issued by Toki Doki (whose Japanese culture inspired illustrations are Amazing). And I think the Stellina Unicorno DIY Designer Vinyl Figure by Simone Legno of Tokidoki is definitely my favorite I've seen so far. It's kind of hard to see here in this pic, but I think you can still see it is of the sweetest, cutest unicorn.

Another cute DIY Vinyl Toy I have my eye on is this cupcake vinyl toy.

And if you are a fan of the cute little Android mascot for Android phones and tablets you can even make an Android custom vinyl toy.

There are a ton of cute diy vinyl toys on for the creative and artistic souls out there. But if you really get into making diy vinyl toys then you might want to check out or similar sites to it for an even wider selection of diy vinyl toys you can customize.

 If you'd like to see some examples of some customized vinyl toys that others have done check out these kawaii ones on flickr. (Note the toys shown on that link may or may not be "kawaii custom vinyl toys", I just used that as search words and these are the results that showed up.)

Cute, Plush Animal Cushions for Boo Boos & More

Maybe it was the Halloween candy (I could have sworn I didn't eat that much), but most of today and (now night) I've been feeling queasy. Don't you want to just snuggle up with something soft and cute sometimes when you feel that way (or any other type of sick, like a cold)? Or maybe just for when you are feeling blue?

I just saw these cute, plush animal cushions by Babosarang on and thought they'd be pretty perfect for cuddling with when feeling sick or sad. They are kind of funny as they seem to be armless (actually in some of the pics from the side it looks like maybe they have pockets where normally arms would be, or maybe these bear-like animal pillows are also like a muff to keep your hands warm?) and have stubby legs, but seem nicely huggable from the picture (arms aren't always needed for hugs). And somehow their expression (non-expression?) seems rather comforting and sympathetic to me...I can imagine that they feel just as sad about my upset tummy as I do. (I'm weird, I know...forgive me for feeling abnormally self-indulgent just now.)

They come in three shades of pink (pink, hot pink, and Indian pink) and two shades of brown (khaki brown and choco brown).
And measure 27cm x 33cm x 15cm (or approx. 10.5 x 11 x 6 inches).

(Update: I just found out from YesStyle that these animal cushion things from Babosarang Are handwarmers.)
I think some of the other cushions at might make nice companions too. If you wanted some more cheerful ones than the ones above then you might like these animal faced cushions of a lamb, bear and panda. They measure 40cm x 32cm x 9cm (or approximately 15.75 x 12.5 x 3.5 inches). Their expressions are so sweet and cute. Just looking at them can make me happy and forget I have an upset tummy.

Or there are also these bear and bunny animal cushions (with arms!) that seems specifically for hugging (on the product page it calls them "animal hug cushion). I like their gingham ears. They have a fun style and look like they came out of a child's illustration book.
Somehow these ones seem like they would be good on car trips for some reason.

They measure 44cm x 34cm x 8cm  (approximately 17 x 13 x 3 inches).

The last animal cushions I will leave you with are by iswas come in a cute brown cat, black and white spotted cow, and pink lamb version (the cat one is shown here) as well as a slightly different version (different size) pink lamb, brown sheep, brown dog and pink bunny. They even have arms too (sort of). The cow is very amusing and makes me laugh. The cat makes looks very welcoming, like he/she is about to give you a hug. And the lamb, well it makes me want to give it a hug and watch a good movie that requires a box of tissues with it. I've added a pic below of the lamb being hugged so you can see how huggable these particular animal cushions are.